Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Journal 1


   First of all , I would like to talk about this course first 
( ENG-380 ). I worried about this course very much because I know that I have to make my own BLOG. I'm not good at any multimedia user. I was make it by myself but it was a long time ago. I mean I was make it since I'm a first year student. Yes, I forget how to make it now ! but Aj Gob tell me and everyone in the first class that " You don't need to worry about it much, We will start from " 0 " for someone who never make blog before". 
It make me feel better ! 
        Nothing much at the first time. We were talking and discussing about what is the international trade. Aj Gob gave us an answer sheet for answer what is the business and other question. In fact I don't know what does it mean but I answered from my opinion but I'm sure I will know the meaning of business in clear soon :)


  1. it's interesting.
    your design is nice
    don't give up hahhaha
    have a good dream
