Monday, July 4, 2011

Journal 5


     WOW !! This is a great class for me. I know many new super star from interview role-play O_o" They are very good at dancing and acting that I never know before. All of them did a very good job. It is very funny. Oh! I really like the way they are and my teacher as well. ^^ 
     My group was present about " Guide interview ". I think it was a good job. We are intend to do it even if our file got a problem. My song file can't open in that show but it done well. My classmate gave her file to my group to present our show. She always be a good girl. 

I don't have any pictures to show in this blog because the VIRUS ate them all !! 
I really want to kill them :(((((

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha!
    i do have in my camera but couldn't get it posted.....just too busy!
    come get it
